
Migrating Data from multiple source to single destination

I have tried to migrate the data from multiple source to a single destination using SQL Server Integration Services. For migrating the data we have to create a new SSIS project inturn a new package will be created. Go to SSMS and create the below tables (TableA, TableB for source and TableC for destination)

Code Snippet
create table TableA(id int)
insert into TableA values(1)
insert into TableA values(2)
create table TableB(id int)
insert into TableB values(3)
create table TableC(id int)
select * from TableA
select * from TableB
Drag the Data flow task into Control flow package window.
Double clicking Data flow task we will get dataflow task window. Drag the OLEDB Source task.Double click OLEDB Source, you will get OLE DB Source editor. Set the OLE DB connection manager and select the table you want to migrate. Here we will select TableA. Click "Preview" button to check the

Drag another OLEDB Source task.
Double click OLEDB Source task, you will get OLE DB Source editor. Set the OLE DB connection manager (connect to your server) and select the table you want to migrate. Here we will select TableB.Click "Preview" button to check the data.

Drag Union All task and double click this task, you will get Union All Transformation editor. Here you can map the output columns and input columns (You can change the input column as per your business functionality)

Drag OLE DB destination and double click it, you will get an editor.Select the destination database and table. Check the mappings located in the left side of the window. You can opt to keep the null values, identity values, whether you want the check the contraint and you can lock the table during data transfer. Click "Preview" button to check the existing data.
Now go to Control flow window and right click "Execute Task". Check the execution results window for the operations performed.
Check TableC data in SSMS.
Happy Learning!!!
Venkatesan Prabu .J

Attended Microsoft Sessions

Last week on 23 -Thursday and 24-Friday. I've attended microsoft deep dive session on Visual studio 2008 and SQL Server 2008. Its really a good one.
Smitha, microsoft trainer have provided these two sessions. It's really good and i was amazed to see the new enhancements done in these recent versions.

Hats off to microsoft.
Venkatesan prabu . J

Migrate SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005 - Part 2

In order to work with SQL Server 2005 environment we have to set this option in our migrated database.
It’s used to govern the new features of SQL Server. Below is the screenshot showing the possible compatibility level of a particular database.
Right click the database - >Properties, you will get the below page,

Compatibility level for different version of SQL Server:
60 = SQL Server 6.0
65 = SQL Server 6.5
70 = SQL Server 7.0
80 = SQL Server 2000
90 = SQL Server 2005

Below is the query to retrieve the Compatibility level of the databases in our SQL Server.

Code Snippet
SELECT name, cmptlevel FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases

On executing the above query, below is the output.

If we want to update the update the compatibility level manually we can use the below query,

Code Snippet
EXEC sp_dbcmptlevel AdventureWorks, 80;

Problem Statement:
Consider am having a SQL Server 7.0 database and I have restored it into SQL Server 2005. Am having a stored procedure with *= used instead of left outer join. Similarly = * instead of right outer join. Is it possible for me to work my database as a SQL server 7.0 compatible one in SQL Server 2005 IDE (SSMS)
Yes, it’s possible. We have to set the compatibility level of our SQL Server DB to 70
Code Snippet
EXEC sp_dbcmptlevel MyDatabase, 70;

Happy Learning!!!


Venkatesan prabu. J

Migrating SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005 - Part 1

In most of the projects, we used to work on migration work. In order to incorporate new features and advantages our application should be upgraded to support advanced software systems. SQL Server 2000 databases can be upgraded to newer version to support Database mirroring, Support to Ranking functions, Performance improvements and many more. During migration, we need to take backup of our existing SQL Server 2000 database and restore the same in SQL Server Management Studio.
1. Right click Databases -> Restore Database.

2. Click Restore Databases, you will be getting a restore window. Select the database name and specify the source for restore -> specify the *.bak file from your local drive by clicking “Add” button.

In some cases, we won’t have backup files. Instead, we will be having Database files as,
a. Master Database file (Primary) - MDF
b. Secondary Database file (Secondary) – NDF (Optional one)
c. Log Database file (Log File) – LDF

In this case, we have to detach these files from the existing SQL Server 2000 databases and attach the same using SSMS.
Right click Databases ->Attach -> Click Add button in the databases to attach and specify the mdf file location.

Now, you got your database right...
Happy Learning!!!
Venkatesan prabu. J


Data Beyond Row Size limit

SQL Server will allow a max row size of 8060 bytes. But, If i am having a table with column "Description" as Varchar(max). Since, Max keyword allows 2 GB of data. How my table row will react to store the data?
The data will be stored as off-row values. It's stored upto a limit of 8060 bytes and this LOB will act as a root node with two child pointers,
1. One pointing to the data stored in 8060 bytes.
2. Other pointing to the location where the remaining datas are stored.
Happy Learning!!!
Venkatesan Prabu . J

Compatibility Level in SQL Server

Compatibility Level:
It's used to govern the new features of sql server. It instructs the database to react accordinly. Consider am having a SQL Server 2000 database which is restored in SSMS(SQL Server Management Studio).
Right click the database properties and check the compatibility level in options tab, a drop down lists out different compatibility levels like,

Compatibility levels for different versions

70 = SQL Server 7.0
80 = SQL Server 2000
90 = SQL Server 2005
100 = SQL Server 2008

We can select among the options like, if we want legacy support for some queries or stored procedures we have to opt either Compatiblity level = 80 or 70.
Below is the query to retrieve the Compatibility Level of databases in a server,
SELECT name, cmptlevel FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases

It output resembles like,

Name Cmptlevel
Master 90
TempDB 90
Venkat 80
Model 90

T-SQL Query to update the Compatibility level,
EXEC sp_dbcmptlevel AdventureWorks, 80;

Venkatesan Prabu .J


My Photo

My T-SQL Gallery @code.msdn.microsoft

Created my own T-SQL Gallery in Microsoft site. Do visit the same and share your feedback,


Thanks and Regards,
Venkatesan Prabu .J

SQL Server Interview questions - Part 1

What is the significance of NULL value and why should we avoid permitting null values?
Null means no entry has been made. It implies that the value is either unknown or undefined.We should avoid permitting null values because Column with NULL values can't have PRIMARY KEY constraints. Certain calculations can be inaccurate if NULL columns are involved.

What is SQL whats its uses and its component ?
The Structured Query Language (SQL) is foundation for all relational database systems. Most of the large-scale databases use the SQL to define all user and administrator interactions. It enable us to retrieve the data from based on our exact requirement. We will be given a flexibility to store the data in our own format.

The DML component of SQL comprises four basic statements:
* SELECT to get rows from tables
* UPDATE to update the rows of tables
* DELETE to remove rows from tables
* INSERT to add new rows to tables

What is DTS in SQL Server ?
Data Transformation Services is used to transfer the data from one source to our required destination. Considering am having some data in sql server and I need to transfer the data to Excel destination. Its highly possible with dialogue based tool called Data Transformation services. More customization can be achieved using SSIS. A specialized tool used to do such migration works.

What is the difference between SQL and Pl/Sql ?

Straight forward. SQL is a single statement to finish up our work.Considering, I need some data from a particular table. “Select * from table” will fetch the necessary information. Where as I need to do some row by row processing. In that case, we need to go for Procedural Logic / SQL.

What is the significance of NULL value and why should we avoid permitting null values?
Null means no entry has been made. It implies that the value is either unknown or undefined.We should avoid permitting null values because Column with NULL values can't have PRIMARY KEY constraints. Certain calculations can be inaccurate if NULL columns are involved.

Difference between primary key and Unique key?
Both constraints will share a common property called uniqueness. The data in the column should be unique. The basic difference is,
· Primary key won’t allow null value. Whereas, unique key will accept null value but only one null value.
· On creating primary key, it will automatically format the data inturn creates clustered index on the table. Whereas, this characteristics is not associated with unique key.
· Only one primary key can be created for the table. Any number of Unique key can be created for the table.

Select Statement in SQL Server

Select Statement in SQL Server

String Functions in sql server

String Functions in sql server

SQL Server Interview Question - Part 2

What is normalization?

Normalization is the basic concept used in designing a database. Its nothing but, an advise given to the database to have minimal repetition of data, highly structured, highly secured, easy to retrieve. In high level definition, the Process of organizing data into tables is referred to as normalization.

What is a stored procedure:
Stored procedures are precompiled T-SQL statements combined to perform a single task of several tasks. Its basically like a Macro so when you invoke the Stored procedure, you actually run a set of statements. As, its precompiled statement, execution of Stored procedure is compatatively high when compared to an ordinary T-SQL statement.

What is the difference between UNION ALL Statement and UNION ?
The main difference between UNION ALL statement and UNION is UNION All statement is much faster than UNION,the reason behind this is that because UNION ALL statement does not look for duplicate rows, but on the other hand UNION statement does look for duplicate rows, whether or not they exist.

Example for Stored Procedure?
They are three kinds of stored procedures,1.System stored procedure – Start with sp_2. User defined stored procedure – SP created by the user.3. Extended stored procedure – SP used to invoke a process in the external systems.Example for system stored proceduresp_helpdb - Database and its propertiessp_who2 – Gives details about the current user connected to your system. sp_renamedb – Enable you to rename your database

What is a trigger?

Triggers are precompiled statements similar to Stored Procedure. It will automatically invoke for a particular operation. Triggers are basically used to implement business rules.

What is a view?
If we have several tables in a db and we want to view only specific columns from specific tables we can go for views. It would also suffice the needs of security some times allowing specfic users to see only specific columns based on the permission that we can configure on the view. Views also reduce the effort that is required for writing queries to access specific columns every time.

What is an Index?
When queries are run against a db, an index on that db basically helps in the way the data is sorted to process the query for faster and data retrievals are much faster when we have an index.

What are the types of indexes available with SQL Server?

There are basically two types of indexes that we use with the SQL ServerClustered -

1. It will format the entire table, inturn physically sort the table.

2. Only one clustered index can be created for a table.

3. Data will be located in the leaf level.

4. By default, primary key will create clustered index on the table.

Non-Clustered Index

1. It wont touch the structure of the table.

2. It forms an index table as reference to the exact data.

3. A reference to the data will be located in the leaf level.

4. For a table, we can create 249 non clustered index.

Happy Learning!!!
Venkatesan Prabu .J

SQL Interview question

Extent Vs Page?

Pages are low level unit to store the exact data in sql server. Basically, the data will be stored in the mdf, ldf, ndf files. Inturn, pages are logical units available in sql server.The size of the page is 8KB.

Eight consecutive pages will form an extent 8 * 8KB = 64KB.

Thus I/O level operation will be happening at pages level.The pages will hold a template information at the start of each page (header of the page).

They are,

1. page number,

2. page type,

3. the amount of free space on the page,

4. the allocation unit ID of the object that owns the page.

Extents will be classifed into two types,

1. Uniform extents

2. Mixed extents

Uniform Extents:It occupied or used by a single object. Inturn, a single object will hold the entire 8 pages.Mixed

Extents:Mulitple objects will use the same extent. SQL Server will allow a max of eight objects to use a shared extent.

Property of SQL Server :Initally if an object is created, sql server will allocate the object to the mixed extent and once if the size reaches 8 pages and more... immediately, a new uniform extent will be provided for that particular object.

Herecomes, our fragmentation and reindexing concepts.

Best Joke - Enjoy it

Best Joke - Enjoy it